
RTOC: A Rt-Linux Based Open Robot Controller

An open robot control system pursues easy extension, flexible reconfiguration, facile portability and jointless interoperation. Therefore, the system elements from multi-disciplinary areas can be integrated and reconfigured easily in such a system. …

A novel dynamic knowledge extraction method in cooperative multiple robot system using rough set

Dynamic knowledge extraction is one of the critical problems in dynamic systems especially in cooperative multiple robot systems (CMRS). The knowledge may be fuzzy, because the information from dynamic environments is incomplete and uncertain. So it …

The RTOC Open System for Controlling Fictitious Roaming Platform

Openness is one of the aims pursued by modern controller systems. The typical features of one controller system include easy extension, flexible reconfiguration, facile portability and jointless interoperation. Therefore, in one open controller, the …

Conceiving, analyzing, modeling, verifying and developing-the clews of modeling open software architectures of robot controllers

Openness is one of the features of modem robot controllers. Although many modeling technologies about how to model and develop open robot controllers have been discussed, the focus is always on some detail problems in some respects. While the …