Feature extraction

Aspect-based sentiment analysis using ABPCS model and SVMPperf in Chinese reviews

Aspect-based sentiment analysis has always been a difficult task since it consists of several core sub-tasks: feature detection, opinion extraction and polarity classification. Consequently, by now there is little work to summarize all of these works …

Grasp the Implicit Features: Hierarchical Emotion Classification based on Topic Model and SVM

Microblog post has been a hot research source for emotion classification in recent years. However, due to bloggers' free narrative style and topics' timeliness, the data from microblog post is usually implicit and imbalanced. In this paper, the …

Emotion Classification Based on Structured Information

In the era of information explosion, more social network applications present a platform for people to share various news and information sources, which brings people into the era of big data. And the processing of structured information attracts …

Chinese Sentiment Classification Using A Neural Network Tool-Word2vec

Sentiment classification is the main and popular task in the field of sentiment analysis. Most of the existing researches focus on how to extract the effective features, such as lexical features and syntactic features, while limited work has been …